Sunday, July 12, 2009

Gmail Housekeeping

I just cleaned out my Gmail mailbox a bit. I went from 893 MB to 620 MB by deleting a bunch of messages that I sent with picture attachments. Usually when I send mail with large attachments, I like to keep it in my mailbox in case I need to access the attachment later, but after a while (like a few years later) I realize that I don't need them anymore, so I delete them for good. I guess in the future I could just send and delete from my Sent Mail box. Also, I guess I should look into archiving mail next so my inbox doesn't look so cluttered.


Bruce said...

I just hope that gmail increases my capacity faster than I use it up.

Hans said...

Good point. Unfortunately, the rate of capacity increase since Gmail's inception looks like a 1/x function.

usumbs said...

This is what Gmail tells me now: "You are currently using 3411 MB (46%) of your 7348 MB." I have 15,175 messages. I don't usually delete anything; I save and archive too much.

I just realized that you can probably, once the primary inbox is filled, automatically forward to another address. So, sending to gets full, then you can set up forwarding to and then delete on the primary account. Hmm.