Wednesday, October 10, 2007


For some reason, today (being the first day of class after Fall Break) I decided to pick up my cube that's been sittin' in my drawer. After a clunky start of 46's, I managed to average 37.70 seconds. Between June 28 and today, I probably picked up my cube a total of 5 times. My fastest recorded average was on June 26 (34.03 seconds).

Saturday, September 29, 2007

3.3 months later, I have finished listening to all 219 hours of music that I have.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Naps of power

Today was the 6th day of classes this semester. Even though I have not skipped any classes so far, today I did fall asleep for the first time this semester. That will probably set off an unstoppable chain of events of the power-napping-during-class type (damn, Schwartz Auditorium becomes sweltering hot during physics).

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

"35W is no more"

Shortly after I signed onto AIM earlier this evening, Jimmy IM'ed me to tell me to turn on the news. Being a n00b at televisions in general, since I don't really watch tv, I said that wouldn't be plausible at the moment. Eventually, he told me the Interstate 35W bridge over the Mississippi River in downtown Minneapolis had literally collapsed (and I was like "Holy. Shit."). A few minutes later, it became "breaking news" on I do remember seeing that section of I-35W closed for large-scale construction of some sort when I went home earlier this summer, and apparently it was still under construction as of today. Quite freaky, having a bridge suddenly go out like that.

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Before this year, I rarely went to watch movies at movie theaters. I think I saw literally between 0 and 3 films each year until now. Looking through my stack of ticket stubs that I've saved since 2005, there are 3 from 2005 (all during the summer), 1 from 2006 (from the summer as well), and 7 so far from this year, the most recent being The Simpsons Movie from last night. I thought The Simpsons Movie was a great movie---full of satires and stuff that normal Simpsons episodes have (or as far as I remember, seeing that I haven't really kept up with the Simpsons since 9th grade or so). On top of that, the Regal Cinemas here in Ithaca just got remodeled and opened last weekend, and it's quite nice. Really spacious and comfortable theaters.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


2 days after my 19 1/2 birthday, Frank (formerly known as Frank the Tank) has inspired me to hop onto the Blogspot/Blogger bandwagon. This marks the 2nd occassion of me switching blogs. The first such occassion was sometime shortly after 10/9/04, although I am unable to find out which day exactly due to a massive power outage in the vicinity of LiveJournal's datacenter.

As for these days, I actually enjoy working at the law library a little. Sure, I can zone out for a large amount of time because the work isn't the most interesting there is, but doing work in the stacks means I get to be a number-cruncher, which I enjoy. Of course, I also get to listen to music while I work at the library, which I also enjoy.

I really need to visit Rochester sometime soon. If there is one thing that my summer is missing, it will be a visit to Rochester. I miss Rochester.