Saturday, March 27, 2010

Victory Burgers

Today, we went to Glenwood Pines for dinner. On a last-minute whim (and under peer pressure), I decided to go for the Pinesburger Challenge to eat 4 Pinesburgers in under an hour (vegetables are optional). This is what 4 Pinesburgers on 1 plate looks like:

First burger was finished at 7 minutes. Second burger at 15 minutes. Third burger at 28 minutes. Fourth burger at 49 minutes. Thanks to Kevin for keeping time with his iPhone. Here was the aftermath:

(Also included in the aftermath was 1 t-shirt and my picture on the wall)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happenings around campus

Two (2) Cornell engineering students committed suicide via gorge bridge jump 2 days apart from each other this past week. Also, a month ago another student jumped the bridge, which brings the campus suicide rate to 3 within the past month. As I understand, in the past there is an average suicide rate of n per year here, where n is between 0 and 1.

Why have campus suicides spiked in frequency lately? I wish I knew, but may never know. It's disheartening, for sure, even though I did not know any of these students.