Friday, December 30, 2011

Farewell, 2011

Greetings. This blog has been neglected throughout 2011 in general. Here are some highlights of the second half of 2011:
  • Participated in the Colorado Dragon Boat Festival with the Raytheon Rowing Racers. Got to eat festival food such as beer-battered jalapeno rings just hours before our championship race in the adult recreational division, which we won by a fraction of a second. Also bought a bottle of Dragon Fire Sauce (made with ghost chili) from a hot sauce vendor.
  • Went to the Taste of Colorado festival during Labor Day weekend with family and relatives, and got to eat food such as alligator bratwurst, rattlesnake bratwurst, and cactus salad.
  • Mentored a high school robotics team for the RMBEST Robotics competition. Got to do things such as teach students how to use a band saw, soldering iron, and Microsoft Word.
  • Traveled for work, and followed that up with a trip to New York City to visit some bros. Got to eat all sorts of fancy food in Old Town Alexandria, and played the tourist role for four days straight in New York City.
  • Played entirely too much Magic. Under the new Planeswalker Points system, I ground my way to the top 4733 in the world for the Fall 2011 season, which is good for all of 1 bye at Grand Prix events next season. Also, since the old ELO rating system will soon no longer be available for viewing, I shall capture a screenshot for posterity's sake.


May the new year bring happiness and prosperity to all.