Friday, April 24, 2009

Springtime Weather Woes

I'm not a big fan of springtime weather throughout the day. It's mainly the fact that it's usually around 30 degrees outside in the morning when I head out to class, and at midday it gets to be a comfortable 70 degrees. This usually poses a dilemma in the morning when I decide what to wear for the day. Ideally, I would wear a coat for 30-degree weather, but later in the day when it's 70 degrees outside, it's quite awkward wearing a coat or lugging one around. However, if I decide to start the day dressed for 70-degree weather, then I will probably catch a cold or something and get sick, which is also not desireable.

1 comment:

usumbs said...

Why does it say Friday, April 24?

Yes, this kind of weather sucks. Don't look too much into it though. Suffer once in the morning, and enjoy the rest of the day ... unless you have a weak immune system (against the cold?). Hah.