Thursday, February 5, 2009

CUSat - Part II

We are currently in the third week of classes. I've found that I'm busier this semester so far than I was last semester, even though I'm taking less classes. This could be because the pre-ship review for CUSat is approaching, and there is lots of work to be done in preparation for that. So, here are some more highlights of things that have happened during the past month in CUSat:
  • More GPS receiver tests on the roof of Thurston Hall (and out the window of Upson 205, but that's not very exciting because it's indoors and the window has to be open during the test, which makes the room super cold)
  • Ordered 1 meal per day for the team before classes started. Because I took everyone's orders everyday, I now have an idea of what everyone on the team likes/dislikes in their food, which I'm sure is something that not many other people can claim.
  • Ran a hardware test in the clean room. This means wearing the clean room coat, hairnet, gloves, and electrostatic discharge wrist strap for 4 hours. After the test, I took a very satisfying leak.

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