Sunday, April 6, 2008

Hospitalization (cont'd)

DAY 4: Friday, April 4, 2008
This is the second day with the mega chest tube. Again, it hurt a crazy lot so they shot me with the IV anesthesia in the afternoon (after lunch) and at night before hittin' the hay. I finished a 4-star sudoku in the newspaper today after giving up and coming back to it later several times. I got a surprise visit from a bunch of people back on campus, and we joked around for an hour or so before the nurse said visiting hours are over. We think the patients next door didn't find our conversations very tasteful. I must say I really appreciate the visits, even from the people who couldn't make it due to not enough room in Brian's car. Thanks guys, it means a lot to me.

DAY 5: Saturday, April 5, 2008
Today my parents made it up here via car. Apparently they drove all through the night and made it here at around 11 AM. By this day there was still a little air leakage from the chest cavity as seen from Pleur-Evac. Today there was no need for the IV anesthesia - only Percocet pills at night. It seemed to knock me out equally though.

DAY 6: Sunday, April 6, 2008
Today for dinner I ate cottage cheese (or tried to). Taylor said since I never had it before, he thought I would like it, so I decided to give it a try. It wasn't that great - sorry Taylor and Mikki. I know you guys are avid cottage cheese fans. Today there was also no improvement in air leakage. The surgeon told me before she left for the weekend on Saturday that if by Monday the leakage still persists, then we'll have to talk about surgery. I guess we might have to talk about surgery tomorrow, as I don't feel any better during this past week. My mom went to Wal-Mart to buy some boxers because I've worn the same pair for literally 6 days straight (shudder). Well, hopefully I'll get back soon enough so I could take regular showers instead of washcloth+basin baths with no-rinse-needed soap/shampoo.

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