Wednesday, February 24, 2010


In the news today was a study of large North American airports and how travelers like them. I found it interesting how Detroit and Denver were listed as the top two airports, because I had the opportunity to travel to both for a job interview earlier this year. They are definitely some of the nicest airports that I've seen, both in appearance and facilities. The blue tunnel at Detroit was spectacular, and the airport train at Denver plays a cool tune every time the train stops and goes.

I also had the opportunity to travel through Philadelphia several times for interviews, and it was a pretty run-down airport compared to the others. Also, the food selection wasn't that great (especially at the C terminal), and moving between terminals isn't very convenient either.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lightening Up

"Hans, you need to lighten up. You look so tense."

That's what one of my AEW students said to me today at the end of class. To tell the truth, I am excited about AEW. We have a lively and fun group of students this semester, and I foresee a great semester of differential equations with them. I was lightened up.

To tell the truth again, it seems that I am pretty good at hiding my emotions behind a stoic facade. Whether it is healthy for me or not is another story.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Winter Break Weight

I weighed myself every morning during winter break. Below is a plot of my weight (in pounds) versus date, up until the Fat-Off Weigh-In Day:

It appears that prolonged lack of sleep leads to significant weight loss, as seen around the New Years period in the plot. I consciously ate more throughout the days after the New Year, which can be seen in the rise in weight following January 4. I hope to continue this upward trend for the Fat-Off, as well as for my own sake. We'll see when Spring Break rolls around.